My Most Unforgettable Moment

I was a young’un when i got my first pet dog. His name was Bobby, a Golden Retriever. Back then i was a very weird child , other kids would sometimes ignore me and call me names instead of inviting me to play with them,  but everything changed when bobby became a part of our family. He was a pupper ..err.. a puppy when he was first given to us. He started following me everywhere i go , which was really cute. He was always there for me , and he kinda became my brother and my bestest friend.

He was very playful and affectionate , and just like me he really loved to eat. We had a lot in common , from our favorite food, chicken , to our favorite pastime , sleeping , yep that’s right sleeping  (U・x・U) . I love him very much from the bottom of my heart. I love caressing his golden fur , I love rubbing his belly and lastly i love giving him baths and i terribly miss doing those things with him again. But there’s this one activity that we both enjoyed together and it’s probably something that i’ll never forget in all of my nine lives, that is when we’d always go out for a walk in the middle of the night and then sometimes play with the other dogs outside , frolicking around on the vacant lot next to our house. It felt like my life was complete! Lots of fun i tell ya’ ! .

He’s a really friendly dog, Too friendly ໒( = ᴥ =)ʋ because sometimes he’d pop up to a random stranger for no apparent reason , tongue sticking out and tail wagging. He really knows how to give me a headache . ໒( = ᴥ =)ʋ. Still cute though ໒( ̿・ ᴥ ̿・ )ʋ.

Unlike other people, he understands me the most , When i’m sad and feeling down he always manages to bring me the smiles. He truly was the bestest friend/brother that i could ever ask for.

But sadly he died of heat stroke  (´_`。) *sniff*

We shared a lot of memories together , from our first meeting and up to the last seconds of his life.

My time with Bobby is truly the most unforgettable moment of my life.


^^ Here’s a picture of my bestest friend/brother. I wish i can show you guys some more of his greatness. But sadly i lost almost all of his pictures when my phone broke down. Sorry

-My bestest friend and My brother

-Rest In Peace Bobby . I Miss You (´_`。) *sniff*